Have Gun - Will Travel (1957–1963)
Absolutely one of a kind ...
10 August 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Television has, occasionally, left a worthy mark in our world. Mostly it's what's hot, faddish, trendish and popular at the moment. As years roll by the last "hot" is forgotten and bulldozed over by the current "hot" that pops up in our verbiage until the next "hot thing" takes over. Nothing lasts.

This western (it wasn't a western, it just used the western setting for it's pallet, a wise choice) dug into the human condition and unleashed a series of morality plays that retain the power to "thunk our noggins" today.

Yes, there's over-pumps to make a point and - yeah Paladin must be a couple hundred years old to have done everything he's done but he is, in a quiet way, one of the original superheroes (would make a great graphic novel.

The series addressed issues decades ahead of its time.

It was about the black, the white and the gray. And the unpopular ideas.

Suggestive, challenging, heroic, humbling and holds its weight today.

We could use Paladins today.

Good stuff. Damned good stuff.
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