Review of Clone

Clone (2008)
just watched the series through
10 August 2009
Warning: Spoilers
and frankly it grew on me anyone who expects comedy about clones (or cat people or holograms) to be rooted in reality needs to get out more.

its style is a bit panto and the villain was gloriously overplayed the clichés were maxwell smart meets austin powers.

Pryce's Victor was a mild mannered utterly amoral and selfish clever by half mad scientist who you had to admire for his cleverness, but he made a bastard bearable and funny.

Fiona glascott was a great straight man but for me the winners were the physical comedy of Stuart Mcloghlin and Oliver Maltman the weedy lab assistant.

this comedy doesn't NEED to be analysed jst unplug your brain and enjoy it.

The special effects aren't the point of this series it is simply wacky.
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