Julie & Julia (2009)
Pleases the Pallate and Funny Bone
8 August 2009
As a movie after my own heart--and cravings--I thoroughly enjoyed this cinematic treat (Pun gladly intended). Meryl Streep is a winner as Julia Child and does her a world of good. She gets Child down to a T, all the way down to her funny little voice and height, which gained many, many laughs from the audience. Amy Adams, though not as sizzling as Streep, is a pleasure to watch as Julie Powell, a frustrated secretary and writer, who challenges herself to cook all 520 recipes in Child's famous "Mastering the Art of French Cooking." Adams, who earned my attention in "Taladega Knights" and "Enchanted" is a delight to watch on screen, though her character is a bit anal at times. The plot is as rich and enticing as a delicatessen dessert (Get used to it, there's a lot of food analogies in this review) and makes you laugh at times. Many, many times. Oh, and don't watch this on an empty stomach. I'm craaaaaving that raspberry creme Powell makes to accompany a SAVORY beef stew...you see what I mean? Food, food everywhere and not one bite to eat!
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