Review of Roberta

Roberta (1935)
1/2 a Rodgers-Astaire Movie is Better Than Almost Anything Else
6 August 2009
It seems really bizarre that after starring in "The Gay Divorcée," Rodgers and Astaire went back to playing supporting roles in this one. Leads Randolph Scott are Irene Dunne are fine, but Rodgers and Astaire are on blazing whenever they're on screen, so Scott and Dunne get pushed into the background.

The story is contrived and theatrical and not a particularly exciting one. However, four great songs and dances lift it into the must see category: "Smoke Gets in Your Eyes," "Lovely to Look At," "I Won't Dance," and I'll Be Hard to Handle." Please note that the last three have lyrics by Dorothy Fields. She may have been the greatest lyricist of the 20th century with songs like "Sunnyside of the Street," "A Fine Romance," "I'm in the Mood for Love" and "Big Spender" to her credit.

The movie is a little dated and tedious at an hour and forty minutes, but, at least 30 of those minutes with Ginger and Fred are enchanting.

"Nous Sommes étonné." as Fred says in the movie.
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