"Don Juan DeMarco" redux.
30 July 2009
Basically, that's what it is. Swap out "bizarre teen who thinks he's Don Juan" with "bizarre transient who thinks he's Superman," and replace Marlon Brando as the psychiatrist with Jeon Ji-Hyun as the human interest documentarian, and you've got the pitch nailed down.

It's not particularly original, and plays more like a Hallmark Hall of Fame TV movie than a theatrical feature, but still, it's a pretty effective tearjerker with very good performances from both its leads. A movie you can skip, but you won't feel like you wasted your time if you did sit through it. Perhaps its greatest achievement is managing to turn the normally breathtaking Jeon Ji-Hyun/Gianna Jun into a convincingly unappealing, frumpy, chain-smoking TV producer.
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