You Have Been Watching (2009–2010)
So bad....
30 July 2009
How has Brooker sunk so low? In the back of his mind he must know that if he reviewed it on Screenwipe he'd say it was utter dross. The vts are screenwipey but some of the weak jokes that feel like he's been told to say and the audience 'reactions' ruin it. Seems like channel 4 knows well that the retarded audiences of such quizcoms have to be told when to laugh- the idiots feel more comfortable finding something humorous if a collection of their peers are heard to be laughing too- 'so it OK'. Don't get me started on the comedyless 'panelists', their sometimes clearly (badly) scripted scripted rants or 'hilarious outbursts' and the preening reaction shots which always follow.

apparently the 1st episode may have been OK but clearly that was the powerful entry episode with the biggest stars they could muster and the most amusing TV shows but it seems the rest are pitiful and the panel is perpetually made up of only the dull Frankie Boyle and some gruff voiced, dull woman alongside an obscure z-lister.

Also they seem to have tried to give Charlie a 'catchphrase' of 'go away' to ed each episode. He may have said it once or twice in his bbc4 shows but certainly not every show and certainly not to be echoed by canned/studio laughter.
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