Physically painful to watch
5 August 2009
Warning: Spoilers
My Dad was flipping through the movie channels, and he happened to stumble upon this. He was curious because of the things he has heard about the show (neither of us has ever seen it), and I sat down because I remembered it being in the Bottom 100. This was by far, one of the absolute worst movies I have ever seen. Period. There are too many things wrong with it for me to even count!

The acting was stiff and unconvincing, to the point of it being BEYOND cringe inducing. I really felt bad for John McGinley, and I bet he is all too willing to shove this blight out of his memories.

The jokes fell flat EVERY SINGLE TIME. The entire movie was devoid of any charm or wit. Did the writers even read the script? The only time I laughed was when Rosie's character was thrown into a dumpster, and that laughter wasn't a "Haha, what a funny and endearing scene" kind of laugh, but a "I hope a rabid rat or something would bite her so she'd be in pain and die, her soul burning in eternal flame" kind of laugh. When you wish the characters would die so you don't have to hear their annoying little one-liners anymore, the movie has crossed the point of no return.

GOD this movie was painful to watch! By the end, both my Dad and I had a headache, and it put him in a bad mood for the rest of the day! Even my Step mom, who started watching during the last 10 minutes said it was terrible.

Bottom line: DO NOT WATCH THIS MOVIE. I cannot stress that enough. It is NOT worth it! Though, if it is your goal to watch as many of the Bottom 100 as you can, then brace yourself for a migraine.
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