And yet another disappointment from David Bradley
5 August 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Blood Warriors is the last David Bradley film I acquired and watched and what can I say, another huge disappointment. What a real pity because both the film cover and its trailer which can be found on Youtube make it look like some fast and furious martial arts-action movie. Boy what a huge disappointment. This dude entered a sort of double phase in his B-movie career which began in the late 80s and came to an end in 2001 with his final movie, the atrocious "Expect to Die". Half this phase is a considerable extension of pretty enjoyable martial arts action movies (as far as B-films and martial arts fans go) which included "American Samurai" the third, fourth and fifth installments of "American Ninja", two hilarious action Z-movie sequels called "Cyborg Cop" and the pretty good "Hard Justice" (great combination of action, fighting sequences and decent B-actors). However the other phase is probably, in my mind, comprised of quite possible the 3 or 4 worst movies I have EVER had to sit through on video. Even worse than a Spanish 3.30 Saturday movie (if you live in Spain, you'll know what I'm talking about). I seriously don't know how "Crisis", "Expect to Die" and "Total Reality" can be labelled as movies; I'm pretty sure David needed the money and the director needed a good laugh. My last only hope was "Blood Warriors" which I hadn't seen. Purchased it on eBay, watched it and nearly died of boredom before the final credits rolled. What a waste of another movie that could've made for a decent action and fighting flick. Frankly, this guy's best assett was his physical fighting due to several years training in Karate, Kung Fu and swordsmanship. But I repeat once again, if you have to sit thru 90 minutes of B-movie crap with no fights and a stupid, boring story, you may as well just turn the video off. Bradley plays another ex-soldier whose brother has gone all nuts, building a military base on some small island which is just a cover for performing nasty deeds. Bradly has to go, try and convince him to quit that lifestyle and then rescue his girlfriend before things start to heat up. What follows is the hilarious action sequences commented on previous reviews such as Bradley's 100 ft-jump, riding on a motorcycle without a single bullet hitting him, and performing weird flying kicks (what the heck happened to the guy's Karate knowledgement??). As a real fan of David Bradley (I really liked the guy in his first movies) I just think it is such a pity for the fella to have ended his career like that... real shame. One thing I'd really love to know is what heart condition did he exactly suffer from, and what he's doing nowadays. As for this particular movie, don't even bother with it, I mean if as a true Bradley fan (and that's saying a lot!).
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