Family film
5 August 2009
Sooraj can't get over his HAHK, in this film too he brings another similar story

Here family is given more importance though

Almost every 2nd line is a sentence on family that lives together.etc No story in first half till half past second half

Most of the characters are too sugarcoated, even the villains are straight out of 80's the scenes are too theatrical with most actors hamming The last drama is well handled but things get too melodramatic at times the end is typical happy end

Direction by Soraj Bharjatya is okay Music is nothing great

Amongst actors Mohinish gets the meatiest role and he plays his part very well though with too much earnestness at times Salman hardly gets any footage most of the film just gets some few lines but he gets focus towards the end and he is okay Saif is lively in his role and he is truly the Prem of HAHK in this film

Tabu is okay, she too gets hardly anything much to do other then smile or sob Sonali too is just there Karisma hams into her part, mostly tossing her neck around Amongst rest Sadashiv and the 3 vamps are theatrical Reema and Alok are alright Neelam acts well Mahesh is okay
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