A straight verdict
4 August 2009
Lets get one thing straight. This film does not deserve the scrutiny that it has undergone from many people.

I feel the main problem is the name, Green Street 2. If this film were not a 2nd Green Street i feel the reviews would be more positive. The storyline is not bad and i actually quite approve of it. The characters are very approachable and although it is a bit disappointing that only one Green Street original is in it, you find your self feeling pity on some and hating the guts of others. The violence is in abundance but i don't actually feel it is too much. Yes it makes you cringe but film such as SAW contain much more gore than this film.

In summary its not a great film, lets clear that up, but it is equally not as bad as people suggest. An acceptable film that offers nothing special but is not at all badly made. 6/10
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