Good but Not Great
2 August 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Okay, I LOVED the original TAS. I simply liked New adventures. There were just so many nagging things in the new series that annoyed me.

1. Batman's new dark attitude made him less appealing--that goes for Dick too. Their characters made this leap into a dark and much too serious tone for my tastes. Seriously? Where was the fun? The quips. Gone.

2.I did not like the new designs. Especially for my favorite villain (the joker). The new designs were just so sharp and pointy and it was really hard for me to get over the fact that the joker had no pupils and everyone pretty much had no chin. I could go on forever but I'll make it short and sweet--thumbs down on the "art".

3.The story lines were still almost as good, but the the characters didn't follow up. Barbra Gordon seemed slightly out of place whether it was because she was the only character (besides Tim--but he wasn't in the original...thankfully) that retained the positive hero mentality that I loved so much in the original. The voice acting was stupendous as always though thank you Kevin Conroy,Mark Hamill and Mathew Valencia. I don't like Tara Strong's voice but she did fine. Anyway, I think "The Creeper" was one of my favorites from this series because it seemed to go back to a more lighthearted feel. The part were the Creeper totally just punches Batman without looking was hilarious. That and Harley and the Joker get some of their infamous banter that wasn't as dark as in "Mad Love". "Joker's Millions" was much better than "Mad Love" because it shows that Harley's not a complete pushover when she haha 'reprimands' the Joker for trying to replace her. There are moments when the episodes just click, but then the terrible art and the way Batman acts (or doesn't respond at all) just ruin it.

Anyway, As far as the story lines go as a whole I think the ones involving the Joker and Harley were the best because that stayed more true to their characters from TAS that I loved so much. On the other hand through out the entire New Adventures series Batman is completely out of balance he's just this cold calculating mess that can't cope without THREE OTHER SIDEKICKS. Batman should have had more lines and actually REACTED to what was happening around him. Instead of standing there with a frown on his face 24/7. Batman lost so much dimension in the new series. Dick is well, to put it bluntly--a dick. Barbra serves almost no purpose simply because she's poorly written into the cast except for "Over the Edge" which I thought was a brilliant use of Barbra's character. Tim Drake is overkill and simply there until "Sins of a Father" when you suddenly realize oh he's here for a reason--to star in this two part thingy. Yay. Not so much. In BTAS Robin wasn't there when his character would be useless but Tim Drake was so relentlessly useless-AND ALWAYS THERE. On a little side note, if Tim Drake's hadn't been cast so young he may not have been so irritating to me. Seriously,he was like:'Tim Drake the toddler'. Too small.

4. Overall, it was okay. Without the bad art I might have been able to tolerate Batman and Dicks new extremely cold and negative attitudes and the really annoying addition of Tim Drake. I don't know why they decided to so drastically change everything about the original. The new adventures story lines could have been just as new and fresh without the blah art and the complete revamp of the characters attitudes. So,it's worth the watch but just as fun and dynamic as I would've liked.
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