True Blood: The Fourth Man in the Fire (2008)
Season 1, Episode 8
I hate using the number keys to type...
31 July 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Don't ever bother trying to text Bill Compton...he just hates those number keys.

This episode was kind of average when compared with the episodes that had come before it. However, there were some okay/interesting/good bits here and there, scattered throughout. First vampires in a burning building turn into bloody sludge, huh? Interesting (and nasty!). Although it was obvious that Bill was still alive, I wondered if we were going to even get to see him in this episode (since it seemed so long before he turned up). When he did finally turn up, though - whoa. Talk about dirty sex (I liked Sookie asking him not to bite her neck - so as to avoid people seeing it like the last time he bit her - and Bill accommodating her wish). Bill's and Sookie's scenes were about the only ones I was really interested in during the episode. I especially felt sorry for Sookie when she was cleaning her floor and flashed back to mopping up her grandmother's blood. Given all that she's gone through (losing her Gran, then thinking she'd lost Bill too - and no one being there for her), I was understanding her lack of patience with people and her snapping at them.

I wondered what was up with Bill sitting at the breakfast table, with sunlight clearly beaming in on him (for a minute I thought, "Surely, the creators of this show aren't gonna pull an 'Angel' and let the rather glaring mistake of sunlight hitting a vampire's skin - and it having no effect - just simply slip by."). I should have twigged to it being a dream straight away, and not just chalked it up to being a mistake. Of course, once he started burning and burst into flames, that made it pretty obvious we were in Sookie Stackhouse Dreamland. Interesting how he described to Sookie, later on, how the whole death-by-sunlight thing actually works for the vamps in this show. It's odd that we haven't actually *seen* any vamp deaths on screen as yet, but hey, maybe we'll get to see a vamp die at the start of the next episode (given how this one ended). Speaking of, nice to see the vamps at Fangtasia put Sookie's psychic ability to good use, interrogating.

I liked Sam's story about being from a long line of Nudists (sorry..."Naturists"). Of course, he totally made it up, but still...good for a laugh. He also remains one of the best characters in the show.

Haven't got much else to say about this episode, other than the Jason/Amy storyline bored me (After Arlene had said, in reference to meeting Amy, "Sam! I think we found a replacement for Dawn.", and Sookie said to Jason, "Looks like you did too." - I loved seeing her sticking it to him like that. He fully deserved it), Tara was back to being MASSIVELY annoying again (the way she was looking to pick a fight with poor Sam was especially irritating), and I liked seeing Bill and Sookie babysitting Arlene's kids. Usually, kids bug the crap out of me in shows/movies, but seeing Bill act like a nice ordinary fun polite guy with them made it a good scene. Also, Sookie's always happiest when she's with other people who accept Bill just like she does (at least the kids keep an open mind when it comes to vampires). I enjoy seeing Sookie happy in the show, like after she'd found out Bill was alive (and how!), which made her be all chipper and perky at Merlotte's the next day.
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