Monastery of Malice
27 July 2009
I re-watched THE EIGHTEENTH ANGEL some time ago because I was given an ex-rental copy of it. I remember watching it some years ago and thinking that it wasn't too bad, though I couldn't remember why. After revisiting it, I still think it's not too bad. And I still can't really figure out why. Let's see... The story was ambitious. The production values were okay. The film had a decent look and some visceral effects in the make-up department. The acting was good and so was the cinematography. That monastery up the hill looked creepy, just like it should in a horror movie... Ergo, this film ain't too bad.

It's along the lines of films like THE OMEN (1976) and BLESS THE CHILD (2000), but it's more on par with the latter than the first. Given the fact it has less star-power and was filmed on a smaller budget, I do consider THE EIGHTEENTH ANGEL and admirable effort. The only thing that really bothered me, were some plot holes I just couldn't wrap my head around. I won't go into it now and I'll steer away from writing a synopsis too. What matters is that I found it to be an okay movie and I've seen worse. Much worse.
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