Silent Light (2007)
Oh please!
23 July 2009
All the guys who tell me how great that film is, you gotta be kidding me.

This film is boring and badly executed, without any premise or purpose except for being "art". It mocks the work of generations of artists involved in film-making, be it directors, writers, cutters, performers or whatever. It actually mocks the term "motion picture" itself, as the only thing more absent than motion is a story:

A bunch of non-professional "actors" (calling them that is actually an insult to every half gifted actor who ever lived) sit around, doing nothing but eating cereals or bathing or some other uninteresting stuff, and the director tries to cover up the fact that he has absolutely no story to tell by zooming in on his protagonists' less attractive body parts whenever possible. You can almost hear the guys in Cannes go "Ey, it's got a three minute shot of the pimples on an ugly woman's nose - it's gotta be art!"

As for the "insights" on the Mennonites - I didn't get any, except perhaps that they seem to be the most boring people on the face of the Earth - and that they make bad actors.

And the ending? I'd call it laughable, but I actually felt more like crying. It does, like the film as a whole, insult the viewer's intelligence in a manner that actually made me gasp.

First (and up till now, only) movie where I ever demanded my money back. As did, for that matter, at least half the audience.
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