Review of Heat

Heat (1995)
Long movie, worth every minute, one of the greatest gun fights I've seen
20 July 2009
Heat was a long movie. Its not the most fast paced movie either. It does star two of the greats of our generation in DeNiro and Pacino. It also followed suit with many wonderful actors and actresses filling in minor spots in this movie. The characters are very believable, and you do get a sense of there background even though they don't say much about it. The action sequences are excellent. The score is good and appropriate for this type of movie. After done watching this movie you will realize it was long, but you will say it was worth it to watch all the way through. The best thing about this movie was the city gunfight after the robbers exit the bank. The gun sounds almost make you think it is real. Most Hollywood gunfights are completely unrealistic and sound corny. The people actually reloaded, they weren't all pinpoint accurate, and it sounded real. Very A++++ gunfight. Overall this is a very good movie. It has a great story. Great acting. Great fights. Believable characters. Good direction from Michael Mann. Worth your time and money at the video store or 5 dollar bin at walmart. haha
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