Review of The Bell Boy

The Bell Boy (1918)
The Bell Boy was a great comedy starring Roscoe "Fatty" Arbuckle and Buster Keaton
20 July 2009
This silent comedy short in which Roscoe Arbuckle and Buster Keaton play hotel bellboys and Al St. John plays the hotel desk clerk was the funniest of theirs I've seen yet. Plenty of hilarious gags of falling and slipping and missed targets not to mention getting a head stuck in an elevator and Buster getting into a fight with a top-hatted man who happens to be his dad, Joseph! There's also a girl and a bank robbery involved. That bank, by the way, is called "Last National Bank". Since I have to put a few more lines if I actually want this to be submitted, I'll just say how much Mr. Keaton has really come into his own as an accomplished movie comedian under the tutelage of Mr. Arbuckle and sown the seeds of his own solo career. Oh, and like many of these early appearances, he smiles and laughs which is so in contrast of his reputation as The Great Stone Face! So on that note, I heartily recommend The Bell Boy. P.S. The version I watched was on the Image Entertainment "The Best Arbuckle-Keaton Collection" DVD.
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