Get Christie Love! (1974 TV Movie)
spunky cop with attitude out to catch some bad guy.
18 July 2009
this movie sucked monkey butt. I could barely keep my eyes open watching. Teresa Graves was a horrible actress and I found the title character and her boss to be a couple of douche bags. I actually felt sorry for the woman that they were tailing. The way they harassed and extorted that poor woman was deplorable. If they put half as much effort into investigating the guy that they were actually after then maybe all their witnesses wouldn't have gotten killed. I don't even know why they were after the guy's ledgers in the first place. I understand the historical significance of the movie but it doesn't make it a good film even for TV. Nothing even happens until the last fifteen minutes of the movie and even then it's not particularly exciting. And like I said the title character is rude, obnoxious, annoying, and kind of stupid. And I know Teresa Graves was last minute substitution for Cicely Tyson, who had gotten injured, but come on! they couldn't find anyone better?

2 out of 10 stars and that's being very generous
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