Perfect mixture of comedy and melodrama
16 July 2009
I loved this movie. I have watched several other movies of Tyler Perry, and they have all been great comedy. This one was a little different with a little bit different twist, and for one of the many (hopefully), I got the meaning of the movie. Granted, it was hilarious to the point that I was laughing out loud. However, the melodrama was happy medium. This movie is just like real life if you look at it from that prospective. Laugh should be and for some really is a lot of funniness, but the reality is that "Life" happens and you will have much more melodrama than you will laughter. For Tyler Perry and this movie, he just simply swapped it around and involved more laughter than melodrama. The unlikelihood that you will learn a true lesson about life in this movie; you must really be intuned into the movie in order to get it. I took away from the movie this: "Life will be a mixture of both laughter and pain. However just like the movie said, you only have one life and it is only up to us individually how we spend it. As far as Forgiveness, it takes a strong person to forgive themselves for their own faults and mistakes and to start fresh in life no matter their age or gender. The laughter helps you remember the happy moments in your own life, and the melodrama helps you remember that the melodrama, although not easy to deal with, is necessary to learn anything out of what happens in our lives by the choices whether simply or huge that we individually make." For the record, I am not a professional writer. I am a single Mother of three who has seen the good and more so the bad in Life and choose not to let the bad rule my life. How about you?
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