Ladies Courageous - more like Tramps in Planes - a disgrace to the women pilots
14 July 2009
Warning: Spoilers
This film, unfortunately, is a disgrace to the WAFS/WASP women who flew for the military during WWII. After being depicted in Ladies Courageous as sluts and emotionally disturbed nut cases who steal airplanes to commit suicide -- the REAL women fliers during WWII were looked down upon and scorned. They were often accused of only signing up to serve their country so they could "get a man".

One thing the movie is good for is that it was filmed on location at Long Beach Army Air Field in California so what you see in the film is the actual Pilot's Ready Room and the real WAFS barracks etc. Other than that this movie is a sad commentary on how women were seen through the eyes of the American film industry during WWII.
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