The Sea Chase (1955)
Another lesson for clever-clever directors
11 July 2009
After wading through our modern crop of difficult, complicated productions it was refreshing to watch this little number. Not unlike diving into that Pacific ocean.

It's not ground breaking. It's not even a work of genius. But isn't that the point and the purpose of a film ? A lesson that many directors seem to have forgotten these days with films that always have to try and out do one another. Be "clever clever", or make some drawn out post modern social commentary. I don't know about you, but I go to see a film to have a break from those things. To relax.

The scene where Wayne and Turner talk in a clearing is natural. I could have stumbled in on their conversation out of the trees. There seems to be no effort in what they do. Who's paying these people !? I want to see sweat and tears ! Oh wait, they're acting.

The story is obscure in an attractive sort of way .. not unlike another Wayne film "Blood Alley", but is told in that easy way that seems to come to matinees. Dropping off the screen like some dog eared work of fiction that you read on holiday.
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