Fun Movie, good action, Terminator was better
10 July 2009
Well I would have to say the first Transformers was pretty damn good and seeing the trailer for the second one showed that they are trying to up the action level and maybe explain the story a little better. Well they do this OK. Its not what I expected. I did enjoy this movie. It was very fast paced, with extremely well done special effects. Sometimes the story got a little out there, which unfortunately you do think about it watching the movie. Most times you would like to think back after you've seen the movie to review the story, well that doesn't happen so don't be surprised if you start to review the movie before its over. The characters are mostly just there. The only person you really care about is Sam because well he is the only real character in the movie. Megan Fox seemed way way too fake in this movie. Just watching her makes you think she is a total b*tch in real life. She was only eye candy in this movie. Again the special effects are top notch in this movie. They were about the same professional wise as terminator salvation's were. It did seem sloppy at times and it was hard to tell who was fighting who and who really to root for. That didn't distract me too much. The only two things that bothered me the most about this movie is its split audience attraction. With the 2 gangster robots and there dialog and childish behavior you would guess this movie would be PG. Then all the sudden the robots would start cussing and swearing and talking ghetto. The movie would start to look dark and evil and move to its PG-13 rating. It didn't stay consistent all the way through. The second thing that bothered me was the cliché's of right place right time in every instance in this movie. There would just happen to be the "right" missile on a ship that just would happen to be close to where the action was. They would all be prepared to handle this unexpected and unlikely event. You knew Optimus was going to live again to see the final climactic battle yet the battle was short and pretty pathetic and expected. Now I did like this movie and sequels are hard to be as incredible as the first movies. Its rare to see newer movies these days that can be moving and worthy as some of our past classics that are available to us. I would say that many people are going to hate this movie and many people are going to love it. Me... I like it, nothing incredible nothing horrible, just there for me. I thought between to two summer blockbusters Terminator Salvation was much better but thats just me. I give it a 7 out of 10 because for what it is... it does its job I guess.
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