I thought of something totally different when I saw the title...
7 July 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Monster from Green hell.

I pictured a movie about demons escaping hell or some kind of prison, terrorizing people and whatnot.

Ehh... guess I was being a bit too enthusiastic.

The green hell refers to an area in Africa. An atomic rocket crashes there and causes the wasps to mutate and grow to a huge size. Better call the exterminators! And they come, accompanied by the local tribe.

It's a rather strange movie that didn't turn out as great as I had hoped. The acting is mediocre, the effects are... fine (for the time) and the story is rather broken.

One more thing, people can't seem to scream in this movie. I say go rent, buy (for a cheap price) or download this just to hear the 'screams'.

5 out of 10 stars.
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