Terrible mess
4 July 2009
They sure gave this thing a good write up on the DVD box but sadly it was no surprise at all when this movie turned out to be a major piece of junk.I was pretty drunk when I watched this thing so I may not get all the details exactly right BUT it was bad ,that much I do remember.

A bunch of friends set out on their annual trip together.This year they decided to go camping and hiking and dope smoking ,the stuff a bunch of 20 year olds in a horror flick usually do.They get lost and end at an old deserted cabin out in the middle of nowhere.Unknown to them a weirdo lives beneath the cabin in a cellar.

It sounds like it might be a cool horror film but it wasn't.A few good scenes early in the films were pretty cool.Rance Howard and Gary Busey played a couple of weirdo local yokels but they were used too little and never seen again after these early scenes.Why Im not sure,cause none of the youngsters in this film were good actors at all.They were a dull and uninspired bunch.Mario Lopez was really really bad.I mean really bad.

Bo Hopkins played the local sheriff and he was good as always.But damn was he ever fat.He sure packed on the weight in his last years.

This film had very little gore and what there was was clunky and badly done.The weirdo under the floor wasn't developed much at all and therefore didn't never seem that scary.There was some brief side boob shots of a pretty large pair but once again it never developed into that glorious full blown nudity that would have made this mess a whole lot better.

I never understood how this guy survived laying underneath the cellar out in the middle of nowhere.As I said the villain was never fleshed out and never really even seen that much so I didn't develop that much dread of him.

In fact it was sort of a relief when he would kill one of these bad acting idiots.This was a totally lame and totally forgettable piece of junk that isn't worth your time.
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