Postman Blues (1997)
Postmen were always suspicious to me!
2 July 2009
Warning: Spoilers
This movie features an annoyed postman, searching for excitement, a bunch of stupid and clueless policeman, thinking they are super-brains, a chopped of finger going on travel, a hit man tournament with a Japanese Léon, a cute romance with a cancer suffering girl and last but not least one of the best police chases of movie history... on BICYCLES!!!

"Postman-Blues" is a crossfire of genres. It is a hit-man-movie-parody, a slapstick action-comedy and a romance.

The movie has wonderful, absurd dialogs. The postman talking with a hit man on the roof of a hospital (dialog from recollection and in the original much better): Hit-man: "Girls like postmen, I should have become one as well." Postman: "And what are you?" Hit-man: "A hit-man. But I am suffering from cancer. The small killers are killing the big killer." [...] Postman: "How often do you kill in a year?" Hit-man: "2 or 3 times." Postman: "What? That is not often..." Hit-man: "Times are heavy. There are over 800 killers in this country." And all that with a face, as if they would talk about the weather :D.

Or when the policeman come up with their abstruse theories, and the others all nodding: "Yes, that sounds plausible." It is SO funny!

While the music perfectly accentuates what is happening, the camera always comes with shots that keeps us interested and curious. Furthermore this movie features a cast which includes so many cool Japanese male-actors, it's amazing. At that time many of them still fresh, now all acclaimed actors in the business.

And all of it is coalesced into a story full of ideas, which even somehow makes sense! Unbelievable and simply brilliant!

And the end :)... See for yourself!
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