incredible movie
2 July 2009
Warning: Spoilers
When I first saw this on TV, I thought it would be just another bland chick flick. I missed part of it, so I ended up renting it later. This is actually an excellent film-a moving drama about a family. Yes, there is some decent comedy too. The plot revolves around three sisters coming home for their other sister's wedding. The sisters all have different personalities and lifestyles- each one being an archetype/stereotype(I think).

The family is this film is Italian and Catholic, so that colored the film. I'm not Italian, so I didn't really relate much to that aspect. I did appreciate the Catholicism in the film since I myself am Catholic.

I admired Danni and her fiancée for remaining true to their faith by waiting for marriage to make love. That is a hard thing to do, especially in this over-sexed culture. Her three sisters don't make it any easier for her. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying she was perfect. They are all flawed but interesting characters in their own ways. I'm not sure why Danni thought she was ugly compared to her other sisters. I thought she was the most beautiful one of all(on the inside and the outside)!

There were a couple of "Catholic" things in the movie that seemed strange or just wrong to me. I've never heard of a "bed blessing" before. Is that some old Italian Catholic thing? I like most of what the mother said about sex, but she is wrong to buy into the canard that the Church forbids or frowns upon sexual pleasure(a common misconception). The Catholic Church teaches that sexual pleasure is a good thing if it is gained in the proper moral, marital context- the exact situation that Danni's mom was discussing. Maybe the Church didn't always do a good job teaching that in the past, or maybe their opponents have just been good at spreading misinformation and half truths.

I don't want to dwell on that one scene. The movie is generally quite good. Yes, this is mostly a chick flick, but it is a magnificent one. That means a lot coming from a man!
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