Review of It's Alive

It's Alive (2009)
Not that bad, actually...
1 July 2009
I love It's Alive, it is a favorite of mine. Cheesy 70's killer baby flick, you can't beat that. I am a big fan of Larry Cohen, and his older flicks, so when I heard a remake was being made I was skeptical. I thought if done right, if they went with a less cheesy approach, it could be decent, at least better than some of the other recent remakes. I wasn't sure what was going on with this film until recently I received a screener of the remake at work. I must say, I actually enjoyed it a lot more than expected. It has flaws, including a CGI killer baby this time...but overall, this film is actually a lot of fun. It isn't the spooky, realistic film it could have been, but it is a bloody good time. Though not as much fun as the original, it is a decent watch, with some decent gore. It really has no relation to the original, other than a killing baby, and the same of the family is still Davis. Overall, if you like the original, it is a decent watch, and if you haven't watched the legendary classic, watch that first, then this. I was just sad they didn't recreate the milkman scene.
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