Captivating journey into the highs and lows of fatherhood.
1 July 2009
This film could have so easily been lacklustre, miserable, tedious and dismal. After all it's about a fourteen year old (I think?)lad who goes on the run with his small baby, another reminder of the UK's spiralling teenage pregnancy rates. BUT IT'S NOT ANY OF THESE THINGS!!. A Boy called Dad is heartwarming, funny, yeah it's sad and I cried loads as did some of my friends, but this film manages a really difficult theme with great dignity and flair. I identified with someone who, on paper, I wouldn't have thought was possible but you can't help but imagine yourself on this young teenage dad's journey of unplanned fatherhood and the warm expansion of the love he feels for this helpless and lovable little mite. You feel sorry for them both and eventually proud of the young dad for having coped and developed so much as a decent human being.

I love Ian Hart's acting and he's always good value for money. Oh God, Robbie (the young lad) and his baby in the barn with the beautiful light shining on them both asleep (Don 't worry this point not essential to the plot!). Absolutely gorgeous. It reminded me a little of the Hayley Mills film when the kids find a man they think is Jesus. The bit that made me weep buckets though was the sub-plot of the beautiful welsh girl - won't tell you what happens as would spoil it! If I had to describe the film it would be as hard as nails but heartbreakingly sweet.
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