The Great White Hype is Just That **
27 June 2009
Warning: Spoilers
The film is about 1:21 and that's probably not helping it either.

If this is supposed to be a takeoff on "The Great White Hope" of 1970 fame, forget it.

Samuel L. Jackson stars with that amazing wig as a Reverend promoter up to his neck in disgrace.

Everyone seems to want a piece of the action. John Lovitz is there as well as a reporter, played by Jeff Goldblum who goes over to Jackson's side for a piece of the action.

Jackson has the idea that they can make more money by having a white fighter in the ring against their champ. They get a rock and roll singer who has not lost a bout.

The film tries to show that while they all think that racism is not involved, it certainly is. We also have another black challenger who is constantly looking to challenge the champ and when he belts him in the end, Jackson immediately seizes this as an opportunity to promote their slugging to a future fight.

The whole thing is rather silly at best.
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