The Detective (1954)
Better of the first two Father Brown adaptations
27 June 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Second screen adaption of GK Chesterton's classic story that has Father Brown taking on Flambeau a notorious thief. In the original Walter Connelly took on Paul Lukas. Here its Alec Guinness taking on Peter Finch and for my money its the better of the two versions I've seen. In th original I found everything stilted and Brown came across as very annoying with an attitude that he was some how better than everyone else. Here Guinness is clearly in charge of the situation, however he never lets anyone think anything other than that they are in control, which he manages to twist so that he comes up on top. Its a winning performance. I think the fact that this film originated in England helps give it the right feel. The film makers clearly understand Chesterton and their film is an enjoyable representation of his story. Very recommended
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