Quite good
25 June 2009
This is a documentary found on the DVD of Kill Bill: Vol. 2. It consists of behind-the-scenes footage, interviews, production stills, clips(that all tend to fit where they're put, and not simply be appeasing) from the film and from other relevant sources. Everyone who talks has stuff to say, and several of the things are very poignant. Rodriguez is entirely himself in the brief bit that he's in. This is informative, if it doesn't show all that much of the process. It focuses more on the specific people working on this one. The relationship between the two movies is discussed, among other things. This is well-edited. The pacing is great, coming in at just under 25 minutes or so, this is never boring, nor does it overstay its welcome. We get back-story and explanation for some of Tarantino's choices, and this definitely adds something worthwhile to watching both titles. There is intensity in this, but not really violence. The language also isn't as harsh as one might expect. Perhaps this was toned down, to make it easier to show on TV. I recommend this to any fan of QT and KB. 7/10
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