Review of Elijah

Elijah (2007 TV Movie)
No mustache for Mr. Harper in this one....
21 June 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I think Billy Merasty was good as usual as he is in any of his roles. I'm a little surprised that Billy didn't have a mustache that the real Elijah Harper had. I know that's not an important thing or anything... just thought I'd mention it.

But the point to this story is that Elijah Harper is in fact a real hero not only to the Cree people as well as all the First Nations people throughout Turtle Island but to some in the Canadian political scene since it prevented Quebec from separating from Canada (Quebec would never make it on their own anyways). But that's a different matter altogether. I don't think Meech Lake would have worked regardless even if Elijah didn't say the all-powerful "no".

Anyways.... that's why I gave this one a 7.
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