Rebecca (1979)
Strong adaptation of the Du Maurier's novel
15 June 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I remember seeing this 'Rebecca'in 1979 -- and saw the Hitchcock version after.I don't like saying that this is superior to the film but it is! It has more time to breathe and builds a slow and chilling tension with Ron Grainer's haunting score. Elspeth March gives a fully fleshed version of Mrs Van Hopper.Joanna David gives a faultless performance of the girl who attempts to fill Rebecca's shoes:she radiates vulnerability from first to last.Anna Massey as Mrs Danvers gives a portrayal of simmering jealousy and Jeremy Brett is brilliant as the haunted and tortured Maxim -- it is a dangerously exciting and sensual performance. This adaptation has not dated at all even 30 yrs on and the music and that tracking shot towards the boat on the sea bed still chills one to the bone!Great performances too from Robert Flemyng, Terence Hardiman and Julian Holloway.
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