The Whitest Kids U'Know (2007–2011)
Know why this show exists?
12 June 2009
Go look at the reviews. Count the number of mid-ratings right here in IMDb. Can't find any? That's because every reviewer gave the show 1 star or 10 stars. That shows that the kids who created the show are aiming at one demographic.. white males age 12-20 (otherwise known as the Borat/Jackass demographic). All the humor is juvenile. All the topics are base-level, so they don't lose the attention of the audience they are aiming for. And as one reviewer referred to, they have used up all their topics in 2 seasons. The solution? Add more vulgarity, of course? Studies have shown that you can keep the attention of the average 12-20 year old simply by stringing f-bombs together! They can't pull away! It's like Beevis staring at a fire! Afraid that the Lincoln sketch won't keep the average viewer by simply showing the actual Hamlet play? Simple, just change the lines to include vampires! All 12-20 year old love vampires.. in towers! Then we can insert Lincoln into the sketch, add strings of mindless obscenities, repeat everything 50 times.. viola! We have an instant classic in the 3 minutes it took to write it! Tell you what, when you grow up and get off the weed, seek out some MadTV and SNL stuff, maybe even some SCTV or the genius of Dave Chappelle. Treat yourself to real humor.
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