Monsters Ball A Weird Solid Drama With Good Performances
8 June 2009
Monsters Ball is a weird solid drama with good performances from director Marc Foster whose the man behind films like the recent Quantum of Solace and Stay. Foster continues to show his talent as a filmmaker with this one despite its flaws. The two leads Billy Bob Thorton and Halle Berry deliver believable performances in a story about two very different people who fall in love after having a steamy one night stand. Sean Combs, Mos Def, and Peter Boyle provide good supporting performances in their small roles. The late Heath Ledger also has a brief role as Thorton's estranged son but his part in the movie is cut rather short. The pacing of the movie was a little slow at times and some of the characters especially Ledgers could've had more screen time but the good outweighs the bad. The few sex scenes in the movie are very explicit and they really push the R rating especially the one between Thorton and Berry. Overall though despite it's few problems Monsters Ball is a decent enough for anyone looking for a different movie to watch with impressive performances by the cast.
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