Demon Seed
7 June 2009
This movie is SO bad that I can barely stop laughing! The worst accents, acting, costumes, soundtrack, oh, and the dumb and dumbest storyline anyone could ever conceive of! In some scenes you could see LA in the background, and even hear the traffic! The chubby guy who plays Dracula looks more like he'd be I interested in eating a slice of pizza than impregnating Elizababeth, which is apparently the only point of this otherwise pointless movie... As a prior reviewer said, this movie is like cheesy porn without the porn... The most hilarious and cringe-worthy scene is when Dracula is lying on top of Elizabeth after implanting her with his 'demon seed' and she says "I will thrust myself on a ?? (gate of??) spikes!" I initially thought she said "ancient spike" - sorry, the accent was so bad I couldn't make it out! Anyway, the thought of Dracula as an 'ancient spike' is probably right. Elizabeth: "He planted the seed of the beast within my body" Bram: "I will tear him limb from limb!" Enough said.
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