Shut it, Jonas lovers!
5 June 2009
I swear, their fanbase is pathetic. Heaven forbid we should ever say anything bad about the Jonas Brothers. It's just like running over their dog or something. Shut up, already. They are horrible "musicians" and I use that term loosely. It's laughable that you think we are jealous of them. What do we have to be jealous of? Last time I checked, I have no desire to write crappy songs and target pre-teen girls. At my age, that would get me arrested. You all say we have no life, yet you're doing exactly the same thing we are so I guess that means you don't have lives either. I'm sorry you all have closed-minds towards real music but that's not our problem. You can all give in to their shameless pandering all you want. Every time I see a Jonas fan spouting off whiny little rants, it makes me even more glad I'm not part of that fanbase. I listen to bands with way more talent than them like AC/DC, The Beatles, Metallica, R.E.M., etc. Who cares if we haven't seen the stupid movie? The point is, we don't NEED TO see it. We KNOW what this lame movie is about: the Jonas Brothers in concert. Lah-de-freakin'-dah. Like seeing the movie is going to change our opinion of them? It won't. I would think you'd be smart enough to realize that. To the person who wished death on Jonas haters, real classy. I hope karma comes around to bite you on that one. We hate the Jonas Brothers and seeing their stupid 3D movie isn't going to change it. Now go back to kissing your Jonas posters and daydreaming about being their wives.
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