OK but not good.
1 June 2009
I will give the producers some time with this show. Not bad for the first episode. However Jesse James is a dead man got bogged down in the middle of this episode. I believe Ultimate Warrior is better, but hey the show is a bit older. I want to watch next weeks show with the Police car chase. So far I give the show a four out of ten. The preview of the show is great. I want to watch some of the stunts which will come on latter shows. At least this is better Reality TV where Jessie does some incredible non human feats unlike other mind numbing reality TV. I hate watching reality TV where some fool who ate too much beans at the camp fire so everyone voted him or her of the Island, bus, boat, house, motor home etc. At least Jesse would jump the motor home over West Edmonton Mall. Hey, that grabs my short attention span. Jesse James is a dead man has the potential to be a show I would give a nine out of ten. Let us see what feats are up for the future.
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