Review of The Unusuals

The Unusuals (2009)
A Cop show that doesn't fit a regular mold
29 May 2009
I kept seeing the word 'Comedy' used to describe this show. And yes, the initial previews splashes gave you comedic moments-- which would lead your average viewer to expect a kind of 'Night Court' type cop show.

But now, I'm watching it. And it's a Drama. . .that has some threads of 'Funny' here and there. And it flips back and forth across the spectrum. There's a little 'Hill Street', a little 'Cops' plus some other shows the rest of you can fish up-- yet it's STILL DIFFERENT.

I'll call this 'Uneasy Drama' with a small side of 'funny' in the little paper cup like you used to get in a diner-- there for just enough Sweet & Sour to make you pucker up.

The Story here is about all these people in a small precinct who WANT to be Cops. But they ALL have secrets-- secrets that should close the Precinct door on them. Something in their past that they cannot let out. And despite all that, they go out and do the Job of keeping the streets safe.

For those of you who know-- the closest 'Uneasy' Drama I can think of was "Firefly". It has that same Mix of Unexpected Serious & Hilarious-- except you don't know which side of the slap you're gonna get at any minute. Yet the Network Marketed that show exactly the SAME WAY. Everyone thought it was gonna be a nonstop comedy-- and when it turned into something else, people didn't know what to do with it.

SO it is with "Unusuals". You could have a situation that starts looking Hilarious-- but then it turns Ugly-- and you feel uncomfortable because you were starting to chuckle. Or you could have the reverse.

For those of you looking for non-stop dark oily adrenaline-hyped emotional thunderstorms-- stick to 'The Shield' and 'Third Watch'

I just happen to like watching a Cop show where the cops are 'human' without the nonstop back-alley knuckle-punches and brutal spinal back-stabs. I like a Cop show that has police who aren't power-crazed motherless thugs who happen to have a Badge.

If you're only looking for Comedy with the canned 'Hahaha" in the background, then no-- this show is not for you.

But if you're looking for some human Cop drama that will entertain you and leave you with a good feeling. . .give this one a try.

The Writing is Good. And the Uncomfortable Spots-- are there on Purpose. Isn't that the point of Drama, anyway?
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