Obsessed (2009)
A mindless, campy, fun thriller... and I loved every minute of it.
29 May 2009
Obsessed, while borrowing heavily from the classic eighties' Michael Douglas thriller Fatal Attraction, still manages to be its own film. How is that possible, you ask? Well, I'm not quite sure myself. It could be that the audience is too busy laughing and cheering to care or even notice. Let me explain. Obsessed is NOT a serious movie. It is a mindless, campy, fun thriller that you should take with a pinch of salt.

Derek Charles (The Wire's Idris Elba) is a successful executive vice president at Gage Bendix and happily married to Sharon (singer-turned-actress Beyonce Knowles). They're "the perfect family" as Lisa Sheridan, Derek's new temporary assistant put it. But when Lisa (Heroes' Ali Larter) becomes "obsessed" with Derek, everything he's worked so hard for is placed in jeopardy.

What follows is a crazy thrill-ride up until one of the most-talked about catfights in film history. Seriously, my audience cheered, laughed, whooped, etc. It was like being at a boxing match. That alone was worth the price of admission.

Lastly, I thought I'd comment on the acting since it seems most people have been put off this movie because of the fact that Beyonce is in it. You probably won't believe me when I say that this is probably her best acting to date. You really felt and believed her character. Idris Elba was brilliant as always, but Ali Larter completely steals the show as the psycho bitch from hell! Why do Blondes do bad so good? Obsessed isn't a film, it's an experience. It's one of those films you just simply MUST see on the big screen with a full audience. You couldn't possibly get the same effect at home with your family. It's most definitely a must-see in theatres, especially for someone looking for a good time.

With a rockin' soundtrack, great script and cast, Obsessed is a blast of stupid fun and, without a doubt, the sexiest – and most entertaining – thriller of 2009! I still think they should've gone with the original title, though: Oh No She Didn't! Also, I might add that, contrary to popular belief, this movie is not in the slightest bit racist.
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