Purple Violets
28 May 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Well, I am not actually writing a spoiler, just commenting on the film. I am not a New York person, but enjoy movies based in/around New York. I am curious though, as to why so many movies or movies about Love seem kind of selfish. One thing that bothered me with this movie and with other similar movies...is if given a second or third chance at love with a person that obviously means VERY much to the other person, why throw it away because of needing space or time? Life is not stable....for the most part. We have no idea if we will be here tomorrow or if we will be able to tell those we love goodbye. So, why simmer in our own juices so to speak, when we have "found" love or the one we are meant to be with? That is what seemed selfish to me about some of the movie. Yes, it is "just" a movie, but it is trying to be a bit more than that..trying to show how we postpone/ruin/hurt our chances at love. I guess I'm saying, "Don't." If you click with someone and in a deep way, don't throw it away for ANY reason. Grab on, hold on, learn to share and be thankful for the gift. Love is an incredible gift. We screw it up and take it for granted, but instead of being narcissistic, SHARE yourself. That's all, didn't want to spoil the movie. It was quite good though, except for what I mentioned. We all think we have time "later" to do things....forgetting that "later" might not come at all.

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