small town Sarah Palin + Donald Trump = entertainment
25 May 2009
Or … 'American Idol' meets 'The Daily Show' inside of a Norman Rockwell painting.

This is an enjoyable political comedy. Through the lens of small town Americana, our nation's system of political elections is satirized as a popularity contest. Small town politicos are followed as they campaign to become mayor. The catch is that they must compete in a beauty pageant in front of an auditorium of hometown voters!

Awesome premise for a film. There are obvious similarities of politics to that of beauty pageants, a silly industry that has tried to maintain a dignified image by promoting the "ideal American woman". But in the aura of Donald Trump ownership, this world is becoming exposed for its shallowness and immaturity.

So we have a film that puts it together with a reality television camera style and an apple pie & Coca Cola vibe. It's too bad they were not able to get Sarah Palin to star in this one, but Jerry Springer does just fine!
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