Fancy Dancing (2002)
Life's A Cabaret For Jason
24 May 2009
Watching this Canadian film starring Jason Priestley with its north of the border cast I kept thinking how did Johnny Depp let this one slip by? The character of Asa Gemmill, a man who is a womanizing deadbeat dad who lives in a nostalgia world, but still maintains his likability seemed like a perfect fit for the quirky characters Johnny Depp loves to bring to the screen.

Still in Fancy Dancing Jason Priestley does a fine job in those two toned shoes that he sings and dances in. I have a soft spot in my heart for this film, it features the kind of music and entertainment that I like. And now that I'm retired I can listen and watch it all day long as Priestley does. But I had to work for over 30 years for New York State to have that leisure time.

And as a thirty something Priestley just hasn't grasped the fact that you've got to have work time to enjoy the play time. So Dave Thomas brings him into his advertising agency thinking maybe this is a place he might be useful.

For myself I certainly loved the music that writer/director Brock Simpson also wrote for this film. It sounded so period, I kept trying to think of where I might have heard it before. I do pride myself on my knowledge of these popular songs and only in the end did I learn there was a good reason I couldn't identify with them.

Priestley's best scenes are with his young son played by Connor Price, the two have a good chemistry together.

Fancy Dancing was a nice piece of entertainment from Canada and is in the running as the best Johnny Depp film, Johnny Depp never made.
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