Ta Ra Rum Pum (2007)
18 May 2009
Yashraj films are always far from real but this film is damn boring too

The film tries hard to be an emotional film but sadly it's far from reality The depiction of US in such a poor way puts off

The way the people face trouble and then have to beg.etc is so bad In USA they are banks that take care of people, maybe India would make sense but not USA

Even Saif's indifference to ride a taxi is again far fetched considering in US they earn so much Plus the riders of races have so much money that they can enjoy life without riding for their whole life if they win few races too and that doesn't seem to hint Yashraj who make a far fetched movie

The first half is a big bore slow romance in true Yashraj style with coincidences, Plus an overweight fringe Rani trying hard to look young and the songs in slow motion everything straight from a routine Hindi film

Even the race scenes aren't that striking

Direction is poor Music is okay

Saif repeats his HUM TUM act and is nothing great Rani annoys in first half but is decent in second half The kids are okay Jaaved is good in a serious role but at times he annoys rest are nothing great
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