House M.D.: Both Sides Now (2009)
Season 5, Episode 24
Not Bad
17 May 2009
It was a little bit of a disappointment, initially, but after thinking about it, I ended up liking this episode. The House-Cuddy moments overall were pretty good (as usual) & we finally get to see some major sparks flying.

Amber is beginning to get on my nerves, but she's getting on House's nerves so I guess that's a necessity that fulfills its purpose.

The main reason I liked the episode? Cuddy's character is my favorite & this episode treats her with the respect she deserves, ultimately. She is exceedingly smart & compassionate & it keeps her from turning into another enabling, "lovestruck" idiot that House can use to make himself feel good (kind of like Stacy).

House needs to get a grip & although he hasn't lost his edgy, mean, and selfish spirit, this episode peels back some of his defenses & you see a bit more of what House is thinking. At this point, he doesn't deserve Cuddy & subconsciously he knows it. But I think it shows that he is yearning to be a better man than he is right now.

Hugh Laurie is an awesome actor. I hope he wins an award for his work this season. But Lisa Edelstein is fantastic and she shouldn't be overlooked either - she props up the show & without her it wouldn't be so great. She's deserves just as much recognition.
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