a winner
13 May 2009
And the winner is …"And The Winner Is …"! It wins high marks with a story that is original, funny, and very entertaining.

The film demonstrates how ridiculous politics has become by comparing it to a even more outlandish world: beauty pageants!! Both "industries" are popularity contests with success based on attractiveness, power, and the ability to regurgitate socially acceptable quotes.

This film is about politicians in a small town who compete to be the next mayor. But, they must compete in a beauty pageant style event to win the approval of the voters. The build up is a lot of fun as we watch small town politicos lie, take brides, and indulge in nightlife. The beauty pageant contest is like of a small town "American's Got Talent" contest. The competition categories are funny and the film climaxes with a satisfying twist ending.

If you like "Waiting For Guffman", you'll love this one! Highly recommended!
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