Nicely executed Indie rom-com
11 May 2009
I was curious to see this (partly because I'm a bit of an Alex Reid fan and partly because I want to see what a feature on a low budget would be like to experience) I brought the DVD without carrying huge expectations but when I saw it, I was pleasantly surprised. The two main characters seem real because initially they are fairly unlikable (Initially, David's a miserable git and Claire's a bit of a cow) but I kind of warmed to them as I got to know them more while the story progressed.

For me it was a breath of fresh air from usual glossy Hollywood rom-coms because it was believable and had this great sense of charm when matching it with the Donegal countryside (the part where they swim together in the sea being a fantastic scene). It made my Dad want to go back to visit Northern Ireland but I digress! Give it a chance, you might just agree with me!
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