The Deadliest Lesson (2008 TV Movie)
Deadliest Lesson is A Poor One At that *1/2
10 May 2009
Warning: Spoilers
A story with a very good plot soon falls into absolute bedlam. An English teacher at a troubled high school witnesses a shooting of drug dealing student by a drug lord on the way to school one morning and decides with her boyfriend, the physics teacher at the school, to keep quiet about what she has seen.

Sounds great. Right? The story falls apart after the teacher witnesses a second drug associate assaulted, later he is killed as well.

When the head of the gang realizes that the teacher has witnessed both incidents, he decides that it is time to take action. He will get the teacher, not kill her, but just beat her to teach her a lesson.

The ridiculous part comes when the teacher has landed school detention for 3 students on Saturday. This is a definite no-no in any system. The dealers decide that they will get the teacher there. Knowing the danger, the principal and police allowed the teacher and the recalcitrant students assigned to detention to go to the school. What is going on here? Who would ever place students in such open danger? What were the writers of this story thinking?

Two of the dealers associates accompany him to the school. One is a literal fat-head, stupid to the core and the story becomes one of the 3 trying to break into the fire-proof room to get at the teacher. The mayhem that goes on is beyond belief. After a while, our teacher decides to go out and meet her culprits.

Ridiculous, inane, you've got to believe it. Can't imagine that such bad writing did this film in.
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