Angélique (1964)
Quite enjoyable...
10 May 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I must admit at the outset that I have never read the Angélique books, so I cannot compare this movie to the original character in the Anne and Serge Golon stories. My review is simply that of an American who knew nothing about the films and watched "Angélique, Marquise Des Anges" because one of my students is French and she said these movies are her favorites. Well, after seeing this first film, I can see why. The film was quite adventurous and romantic--exactly the sort of film a teenage girl would probably enjoy. Once I have seen the other four films in the series, I will post reviews for them as well.

The film begins with the vivacious Angélique innocently running about the countryside with her sweetheart. However, you soon learn that Angélique is an aristocrat and the young man is just a poor peasant and their love is doomed. In fact, soon after the film begins, the girl is married to one of the richest men in France and she has very little to say about this arranged marriage.

At this point in the film, in some ways you like Angélique and in some ways you don't. She is sweet and brave--having saved the king's life by stealing poison meant for the royal family. On the other, though, she is rather immature and can't stand her new husband because she is disfigured as a result of his many adventures. While he is a very good and amazing man, all she can see are his huge facial scars and limp. As for this Marquis, he is really cool--sort of an action hero and adventurer. Believe it or not, he's like a 17th century version of 'Buckaroo Bonzai' or 'Baron Munchausen' (without the lying and actually having lived these adventures). Fortunately, over time she learns to love the man underneath and you see her grow as a character. Heck, I too, thought he was a terrific guy.

Their now ideal lives are interrupted now by the king--who in this film is seen as a rather cruel and scheming man (not far from the true Louis XIV). Angélique's husband is imprison on trumped up charges of witchcraft and you eventually learn that the poor Marquis is being persecuted in order to get to his sweet wife. Despite this, Angélique tries her best to get her husband released from prison--only to nearly get killed in the process herself. In the end, it looks like both Angélique and her beloved are going to die. However, given that there are four more films in the series, you know that somehow it works out--though NOT the way I expected!! Though sad, I liked the twists at the end--some may not.

The film has a lot going for it. There is a nice blend of romance, adventure, action and intrigue. All are nicely done and the film definitely keeps your attention. Michèle Mercier is excellent as the title character and she is definitely a tremendous beauty but also did a nice job of acting. I have very few complaints about the film, though because of the nudity (a lot by 1964 standards, not much by today's) it probably isn't a film for young audiences.

Overall, a well-made and quite enjoyable film. I can't wait to see the next one in the series.
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