Communion (1989)
Unsettling and silly
8 May 2009
Nice attempt this. What seems to be a honest take on a probably manufactured story concerning aliens, or just supernatural creatures(don't remember really seeing a UFO), and its impact on a family's life. part horror, part drama.

How unsettling it is relies entirely on how you feel about aliens and abduction. The subject matter terrifies me, and therefore, it had me incredible uncomfortable during the first visit of the aliens. Its such a pleasure to see Cristopher Walker here, sitting around in different positions with clinched jaws. The director makes a tremendous job at presenting the abduction as a metaphysical and psychological collapse that clearly wont be remembered by the ones involved. Creepy.

As the film progresses some of this "visitors" turn out to look a bit like hooded Ewokds and it brings the experience down. Actually its quite interesting. These creatures are not as frightening as the grays, but logically, they are really not more unrealistic and silly. It kinda highlights how ridiculous this whole fear we have are. But for some (read the Paralysed Sleep thread on the board here) they might be very frightening.

Its still a pretty interesting film. The effects has aged well.
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