A confusing, schizophrenic mess
30 April 2009
This film is about a woman who falls in love with with a man, but her love story mirrors that of her ancestor.

Well, that's what I think the film is about. "Racing Daylight" is a complete mess. After watching the film, I actually have no idea what it is about. There are three segments in the movie. The first shows Sadie going crazy because she thinks she is someone else. The second shows a young man who is crazy because he sees non existent people; while the third segment shows another man who seems to watch the evens as a bystander. Things are so poorly explained, which is fatal for this film. It appears that Sadie has gone back in time, or she imagines herself to have gone back in time, I do not know. Some may think it is romantic to have love that transcend time, but in "Racing Daylight" this idea is so poorly executed that everything just becomes confusing, pointless and chaotic.

The only redeeming feature is Melissa Leo's great acting, but it is certainly not enough to save "Racing Daylight" from being a total disaster.
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